And I really don't have much to say. I'm tired, haven't showered yet, and just very blazae.
D&D was great fun on Sunday. Made awesome nacho's for everyone, and I can even say that some went to waste. I don't think it was because they weren't good though. I think I just made too much. Have been comtemplating starting to write my own campaign that would probably be finished in a good 2-3 years. Who knows.

Feeling somewhat out of sorts today. Didn't make any Bento, as Asuka is barely eating dry toast. Have been wanting to make Onigiri for a couple of days but it seems like it will take a good couple of hours to prepare. I don't think I have that kind of time when I'm home alone. I've ostrisized myself from Asuka so she can rest a little. Hasn't been sleeping that well, so I made her a pseudo bed in the loungeroom. I've been with her most of the day, she just talks to me and lays on me. She also then gets very upset when I have to leave to get Danté. So I decided to take some time out while the Master is asleep and leave Asuka alone to rest quietly. Last time I peeped in there she was climbing on a box.
Oh and now I've been spotted... My me time is up
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