I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Some kind of Doctor...

Let me just say, "AHHHHH!!!!"

Now that's out of the way, lets review today's little trip to the doctors. It was, well you could say, a waste of damned time! She didn't listen and didn't help me at all.

Lets start with me; I explained I am having troubles dealing with the stress, I feel like I'm going to break down. I don't know how much more I can take. Quote, "When your feeling sad, just think positive thoughts. You have 2 beautiful children, you wouldn't want to leave them. It's your responsibility to look after them. You can't die."
Thanks Miss Doctor Lady, I kinda already knew all that. I already practice the, try to stay calm deal. Here have some money for telling me things I already knew...

As for my poor son...
I have been behind in my washing and he was wearing the last of the cloth nappies. And because it was a little wet I thought I'd do the right thing and change him. I threw on one of Asuka's night time disposables, which just fit him, and ran out the door.
I explain to Miss Doctor Lady that he has been unsettled and screaming for about a month now, and that I think his medication isn't working the way it should. It's Losec, apparently the best reflux meds out there. So I hinted that he may need a higher dosage. She checked his temp, heart beat ect. usual stuff. She then checked his nappy, well, he had broken out in a horrible rash in the last 30mins. "Oh it's the nappy rash, you should try nappy rash cream. That will make him happy and he won't scream as much."
NO! He doesn't have nappy rash (usually), today was the first time in a disposable! Listen to me! This has been going on for months!
She then wrote me up a referral to see the psychologist next door, who only works wednesday afternoon and friday. As I said to the Dr, I don't have an hour to go talk to someone. What are my children supposed to do in that time? A 15m old and a 3m old sit quietly for an hour? HA! Sif...

But... I do have some good news (thank goodness!)
A while ago my mum clued me in on a company called Charlton Brown. They were looking for prac schools for their student nannies. I put my name down about 2 months ago.
Today I got a call asking if I was still interested in being a prac family. Of course!!! Why would I say no to a 'free' nanny! She will be starting in July (the new house) and will do Thurs/Fri for the first 2 weeks then do full week blocks! Can you BELIEVE IT!?!
I was praying for an answer, and this happens. I'm usually not so 'religious' as such, but thank you God! What amazing news!

<3 I'm off to meet my man

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