I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Daily Grind

So today we have people looking through the house. I'm feeling very anxious about it, even though it's not a real estate inspection. I think everything is slowly setting in and the realisation that we're moving in 2 weeks is hitting me. Wow! 2 weeks!! We haven't even started packing yet!

Just out of curiosity, when would you start packing? Ok, we have packed like... 4 boxes of things that we don't need for the next 2 weeks. Like the nick knack things, which is obvious. But what about the big stuff? A week? A couple of days? The day before?? It's all too confusing. I have to calm down before I shake myself to death. Dan is probably right that I might be anaemic again. I'll just start taking all my vitamins again. Bloody horse sized tablets!

I had a brain wave to! I'm going to make some carrot and zuchinni cupcakes! They'll be (somewhat) healthy and good snacks for all of us. I'm sure Dan could be swayed to eat some at work. Asuka eats anything, and well me... I forget about eating half the time, then wonder at the end of the day why I have no energy and feel ill. It's a vicious cycle! Any mum will agree with me here that there is some 6th sence infants have that goes off whenever you try to eat! I start making a sandwich, cup of tea, put something in the oven... Wham! Hit with the grizzle monster! Sandwich goes stale, tea goes cold and well... anything left in my oven mutates into what I call, crispy critters. Yes, cupcakes will be a good 'grabbing' food. But will wait until the children are asleep tonight before attempting them.

Well, that's it from me. I have had my 5 min break and am now being summoned to help rocket blast off! Pat pat pat pat pat!!
(Little Einstiens reference for non-parents... in fact, lets get the theme song...)

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