I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mummy's Mini Sausage Rolls

Mummy's Mini Sausage Rolls

Makes this many:

  • Puff Pastry (4-6 Sheets)
  • Grated Carrot
  • Grated Zucchini
  • Grated (whatever other vege's you can throw in)
  • 2 Eggs (beaten)
  • 1 kilo of mince, must be fresh!! (Otherwise it won't work)


  1. Place pastry sheets on bench to defrost. Keep the plastic film that seperates them!
  2. Mix all your ingredients into a big bowl. Get your hands dirty!
  3. Slice each sheet of pastry in half. (Just do one at a time. Sometimes you need more, sometimes less)
  4. Line up the mince in the middle of the pastry and fold over the pastry. Make sure that the ends overlap! Try and smush them together so they won't come undone.
  5. Cut the rolls into mini rolls. These can be as big or little as you like. A sharp knife works better.

To Cook:
Place in oven for about 10-15 minutes on baking paper.

To Freeze:
Find a large enough container to hold all these little babies! I use the jumbo tupperwear freezer ones. Use the plastic film from the puff pastry to keep the rolls seperate. I'll post a pic to show you what I mean.
When it comes to cooking them, put them in a little longer. They taste great fresh from the freezer!

My little monkey LOVES these! And so does Dan. ^_^
Use whatever mince you want. I have had success with the following combinations:
Chicken and Pork
Beef and Chicken
Straight Beef

Most of all, enjoy!!!!

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