I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Oh let them play!

Well what a day it has been today! We started the morning a little rough with lots of grumps and no morning nap from Little D. If I was just planning on going shopping or visiting Dan I would've stopped in my tracks and said, "Forget about it!" But this morning was different. I wouldn't say it was all my idea, but damn the suggestion to go to an enclosed play center was ingenious! Never have I been so relaxed while I was out with the children. Yes, there were tears, but I wasn't having to watch my little monkey while trying to settle the grizzle bear. (Monkey = Asuka-Marie and Grizzle Bear = Danté, just if you were wondering). There was an entry fee, a gate and plenty of climbable, movable, playable objects at my toddlers disposal. I think she had a blast! I believe this will become a weekly occurrence! Oh and the staff were lovely! I think I will be bringing my own lunch next time though. As chips and nuggets just don't cut lunch for Asuka, she likes cheese and fruit and vegetables to go along with it. I'm sure they can't protest that seeing as they didn't sell anything of the like.

Asuka had crashed as soon as we got home, and gave me 2 hours of peace! She doesn't usually sleep for that long. Bliss! That was worth the $60 (entry+coffee+wedges+iced tea+other items I should probably not have bought but did anyway). Now all I want is a hot cup of tea, but i've run out of milk. Boo. This has to be the best Thursday ever! Lets just hope the energy draining morning allows for a breezy afternoon. She's already playing quietly by herself. I'm letting her have some alone time. She seems to appreciate that.

In other news, I keep looking at my new rice cooker (thanks to my lovely Daniel), wondering what the heck i'm going to make with it. Well yes, the easy answer to that question is 'rice'. But I don't think I have anything to go with it at the moment. While I want to head down to the shops and pick up some more things, i'm tyring hard to hold off until we move. Less we have the less we have to move right? Oh jeeze I am NOT looking forward to moving. As it is it all looks fairly complicated. Lucky for me my main job is to look after the children. I don't mind that at all, just hoping that the move doesn't throw them out completely. I know how cats react to moving, they go absolutely crazy! I would hold a glass of wine up to myself and say, "here here" but i'm going off wine for a while to see if it helps with Little D.

I should be going, my little princess is blowing me big kisses!

xx Jadles

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