I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It just is....

I knew it would happen quite quickly, the time to actually sit down and post something has eluded me. I do have some spare time, but it's usually done lazing on the couch, checking Facebook or plodding around cleaning something or other.
Recently there has been a lot of drama surrounding our lives. Banks loosing paperwork, my milk supply suffering due to copious amounts of stress, moving dillemas, sleep deprivation... You name it, we're doing it.
I need a holiday, a day off... Parenting isn't easy! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. All day it's a constant learning curve, some days are easier than others. And then you just have 'one of those days'.
I hate complaining about my lifestyle, and in a sence i'm not complaining as such. More trying to make people understand how hard it is. I'm unreliable, forgetful and stressed out most of the time. I don't need excuses, I'm living one.

I have no idea where I am gong with this, just jotting down every random thought that pops into my tired little head. Isn't that what this medium is good for? Stress relief... Ahhh good old stress relief...

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