I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Oh let them play!
Asuka had crashed as soon as we got home, and gave me 2 hours of peace! She doesn't usually sleep for that long. Bliss! That was worth the $60 (entry+coffee+wedges+iced tea+other items I should probably not have bought but did anyway). Now all I want is a hot cup of tea, but i've run out of milk. Boo. This has to be the best Thursday ever! Lets just hope the energy draining morning allows for a breezy afternoon. She's already playing quietly by herself. I'm letting her have some alone time. She seems to appreciate that.
In other news, I keep looking at my new rice cooker (thanks to my lovely Daniel), wondering what the heck i'm going to make with it. Well yes, the easy answer to that question is 'rice'. But I don't think I have anything to go with it at the moment. While I want to head down to the shops and pick up some more things, i'm tyring hard to hold off until we move. Less we have the less we have to move right? Oh jeeze I am NOT looking forward to moving. As it is it all looks fairly complicated. Lucky for me my main job is to look after the children. I don't mind that at all, just hoping that the move doesn't throw them out completely. I know how cats react to moving, they go absolutely crazy! I would hold a glass of wine up to myself and say, "here here" but i'm going off wine for a while to see if it helps with Little D.
I should be going, my little princess is blowing me big kisses!
xx Jadles
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
It just is....
Recently there has been a lot of drama surrounding our lives. Banks loosing paperwork, my milk supply suffering due to copious amounts of stress, moving dillemas, sleep deprivation... You name it, we're doing it.
I need a holiday, a day off... Parenting isn't easy! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. All day it's a constant learning curve, some days are easier than others. And then you just have 'one of those days'.
I hate complaining about my lifestyle, and in a sence i'm not complaining as such. More trying to make people understand how hard it is. I'm unreliable, forgetful and stressed out most of the time. I don't need excuses, I'm living one.
I have no idea where I am gong with this, just jotting down every random thought that pops into my tired little head. Isn't that what this medium is good for? Stress relief... Ahhh good old stress relief...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Over-Exhausted... And Over Being Exhausted...
And he's still at it...
Tell me what child dislikes sitting or lying on his back? The only time he's happy is on his stomach or being held facing outward with pressure on his tummy.
I must go...
Friday, June 19, 2009
Bento (#007)
Today we have:
Chicken, avocado sandwich and cucumber flowers, cheesy hearts and
carrot sticks.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bento (#006)
Dan's Lunch:
Leftover Chicken Burritos on a bed of Baby Spinach and Cheesy Hearts.
Pikelets and Frozen Strawberries and some Honey
Asuka's Lunch:
Potato, Cheese and Carrot with a Baby Spinach, Cucumber and KiwiFruit Salad.
My Lunch:
Potato, Cheese and Cucumber Salad. (Just made some extra for myself! It was yummy!)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Mummy's Mini Meatballs
- Mince (1kg makes a lot!)
- Grated Vegetables (Carrot, Zucchini, Squash, Onion... Whatever you have in the fridge)
- 2 Eggs Beaten
- Tomato Sauce/Purred Tomato
- Herbs/Salt and Pepper (Just for a bit of extra flavour)
- Flour
- Combine all ingredients and mix well. Get your hands dirty!
- Roll meat mixture into balls, if using for lunches make small enough to fit 2-4 on a skewer.
- Toss in plain flour.
- Heat a little oil and fry in frying pan until cooked through.
- Keep adding oil as needed.
To Freeze:
- Seperate into equal sized lunch portions (I do 6-8 for both me and Asuka)
- Put in either zip lock bags, freezer bags or seperate in large tupperwear container. They do stick together so cling wrap will keep them seperate.
- Defrost before putting in lunchbox. These arn't too bad at room temp. Otherwise chuck them in the microwave on a paper towel for a couple of minutes until hot.
Serving Suggestion:
Make 'Meatball Burgers' using skewers. Cut a cherry tomato in half, and use them as the 'hamburger bun'. Start with the bottom of the tomato, add a chunk of cheese, meatball, cheese, meatball, cheese then the top of the tomato. Nice presentation and a yummy cheese+meatball lunch treat!
Bento (#005)
Missy is back to her normal self today (thank goodness) although I have to admit that I did enjoy the quietness. She didn't really eat a whole lot. I ate the leftovers though.
Handy tip!
Use cookie cutters on sliced kiwi fruit to remove the skin. So much easier than peeling each slice!(just to clarify I did this after taking the photo)
Asuka's lunch:Kiwi fruit, raisin toast, roast beef, shaved ham and cheesey stars.
Somewhat down on food. Fortnightly shopping sounds better in theory. Problem is you need to get basics and fresh fruit/veg every week. When I'm living 5 mins away from Dans work I'm sure it will be a bit easier. Just have to get packing!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
You give me fever...
And I really don't have much to say. I'm tired, haven't showered yet, and just very blazae.
D&D was great fun on Sunday. Made awesome nacho's for everyone, and I can even say that some went to waste. I don't think it was because they weren't good though. I think I just made too much. Have been comtemplating starting to write my own campaign that would probably be finished in a good 2-3 years. Who knows.

Feeling somewhat out of sorts today. Didn't make any Bento, as Asuka is barely eating dry toast. Have been wanting to make Onigiri for a couple of days but it seems like it will take a good couple of hours to prepare. I don't think I have that kind of time when I'm home alone. I've ostrisized myself from Asuka so she can rest a little. Hasn't been sleeping that well, so I made her a pseudo bed in the loungeroom. I've been with her most of the day, she just talks to me and lays on me. She also then gets very upset when I have to leave to get Danté. So I decided to take some time out while the Master is asleep and leave Asuka alone to rest quietly. Last time I peeped in there she was climbing on a box.
Oh and now I've been spotted... My me time is up
Monday, June 15, 2009
Bento (#004)
Asuka's Lunch:
Roast Beef, Smoked Ham, Cheesy Hearts, Manderin Peices and a Boiled Egg (not pictured)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Bento (#003)
Cream Cheese Sandwiches, Honeydew Melon, Chicken Drumstick and Rice Crackers.
Not very exciting today, no shapes. Was in a bit of a hurry. I did make Dan lunch today too, but can't remember atm what I made him. I can't wait for the Bento items from Japan to come. I'm very excited!
Tomorrow we're having D&D at our house and I kinda suggested that I'd make everyone Bento lunches. That's like... 6 extra lunches to make! I'm going to see if I can make Onagiri, maybe a tuna+mayonnaise one. See how I go.
Location Dillemma!!!!
Mt Cotton Gardens have closed! So we don't have a venue for our engagement party. Boo! I don't know what we're going to do now... Pretty dissapointed.
But I shant worry too much. After a quick word to Mr Ben, he's already come up with a heap of ideas to explore. Boats, hotels, gardens... Hopefully there are some bookings open for the end of the year.
I did come across Boulevard Gardens, which are gorgeous! But I might keep them in mind for the wedding instead of the engagement. Just divine!
What a mess...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Some kind of Doctor...
Now that's out of the way, lets review today's little trip to the doctors. It was, well you could say, a waste of damned time! She didn't listen and didn't help me at all.
Lets start with me; I explained I am having troubles dealing with the stress, I feel like I'm going to break down. I don't know how much more I can take. Quote, "When your feeling sad, just think positive thoughts. You have 2 beautiful children, you wouldn't want to leave them. It's your responsibility to look after them. You can't die."
Thanks Miss Doctor Lady, I kinda already knew all that. I already practice the, try to stay calm deal. Here have some money for telling me things I already knew...
As for my poor son...
I have been behind in my washing and he was wearing the last of the cloth nappies. And because it was a little wet I thought I'd do the right thing and change him. I threw on one of Asuka's night time disposables, which just fit him, and ran out the door.
I explain to Miss Doctor Lady that he has been unsettled and screaming for about a month now, and that I think his medication isn't working the way it should. It's Losec, apparently the best reflux meds out there. So I hinted that he may need a higher dosage. She checked his temp, heart beat ect. usual stuff. She then checked his nappy, well, he had broken out in a horrible rash in the last 30mins. "Oh it's the nappy rash, you should try nappy rash cream. That will make him happy and he won't scream as much."
NO! He doesn't have nappy rash (usually), today was the first time in a disposable! Listen to me! This has been going on for months!
She then wrote me up a referral to see the psychologist next door, who only works wednesday afternoon and friday. As I said to the Dr, I don't have an hour to go talk to someone. What are my children supposed to do in that time? A 15m old and a 3m old sit quietly for an hour? HA! Sif...
But... I do have some good news (thank goodness!)
A while ago my mum clued me in on a company called Charlton Brown. They were looking for prac schools for their student nannies. I put my name down about 2 months ago.
Today I got a call asking if I was still interested in being a prac family. Of course!!! Why would I say no to a 'free' nanny! She will be starting in July (the new house) and will do Thurs/Fri for the first 2 weeks then do full week blocks! Can you BELIEVE IT!?!
I was praying for an answer, and this happens. I'm usually not so 'religious' as such, but thank you God! What amazing news!
<3 I'm off to meet my man
Suicide Mission
Oh don't get me started with that. I hate thinking about giving it up, and I have to remind myself what happened last time with Asuka. Dan promised he'd help out with the feeding, and all that happened was he'd make the bottle while I fed her. Not I get to sleep in while Dan gets up and feeds her. It's an unrealistic expectation to believe that someone who has to get up to work would get up and feed their daughter at 1am in the morning.
Oh, why is this a suicide mission you might ask? When your son doesn't enjoy being in a carseat one bit, and the drive to the doctors is 20-30 mins down the road, you have to expect to stop at least well, 4 times? He screams! From the moment I lay him into his capsule he screams. Just goes off! I pull over every 5-10 minutes depending on how distressed he is, to take him out and settle him down. When he is quiet and calm I lay him back into it. 9/10 times he screams again. Then it's another 5-10 minutes. I hate driving! But I also refuse to be housebound because of a picky child!
So all, which me luck in my venture today. I might dose him up on panadol before we go so hopefully he is more calm for the drive. **sigh** How crazy is that? Have to dose my son up before going out.
I'll send out the results of our app. later today.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Mummy's Chicken Nuggets
- 2 Chicken Breasts (or more if you like)
- 3-4 Slices of Bread (I use Helgas)
- Cornflakes
- Seasoning (I use Vegetable Sprinkle from Masterfoods)
- Eggs (beaten)
- Flour
- Grab your whizzer and buzz up the bread and cornflakes. Try to make a 50/50 consistancy.
- Lay out your stations for; flour, egg, crumbs.
- Chop up your chicken into little kidlet peices.
- Roll the chicken in flour, dunk it in the egg and then roll it into the crumbs.
- Throw them into a freezable container for later on.
- If you want to cook them, chuck em in the oven for about 20-30 mins. The smaller the peices the quicker they cook. Don't forget the baking paper!
Bento (#002)
Dans Lunch:
Chicken Nuggets (recipe coming soon!), Roast beef and cheese Muffin (for toasting at work), Rice Crakers, Cheesey Hearts, Carrot sticks and Mini Roma Tomato's.
Asuka's Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Banana sandwich fingers, Roast Beef and Cheesey Flowers.
Daily Grind
Just out of curiosity, when would you start packing? Ok, we have packed like... 4 boxes of things that we don't need for the next 2 weeks. Like the nick knack things, which is obvious. But what about the big stuff? A week? A couple of days? The day before?? It's all too confusing. I have to calm down before I shake myself to death. Dan is probably right that I might be anaemic again. I'll just start taking all my vitamins again. Bloody horse sized tablets!
I had a brain wave to! I'm going to make some carrot and zuchinni cupcakes! They'll be (somewhat) healthy and good snacks for all of us. I'm sure Dan could be swayed to eat some at work. Asuka eats anything, and well me... I forget about eating half the time, then wonder at the end of the day why I have no energy and feel ill. It's a vicious cycle! Any mum will agree with me here that there is some 6th sence infants have that goes off whenever you try to eat! I start making a sandwich, cup of tea, put something in the oven... Wham! Hit with the grizzle monster! Sandwich goes stale, tea goes cold and well... anything left in my oven mutates into what I call, crispy critters. Yes, cupcakes will be a good 'grabbing' food. But will wait until the children are asleep tonight before attempting them.
Well, that's it from me. I have had my 5 min break and am now being summoned to help rocket blast off! Pat pat pat pat pat!!
(Little Einstiens reference for non-parents... in fact, lets get the theme song...)
Mummy's Mini Sausage Rolls
Makes this many:
- Puff Pastry (4-6 Sheets)
- Grated Carrot
- Grated Zucchini
- Grated (whatever other vege's you can throw in)
- 2 Eggs (beaten)
- 1 kilo of mince, must be fresh!! (Otherwise it won't work)
- Place pastry sheets on bench to defrost. Keep the plastic film that seperates them!
- Mix all your ingredients into a big bowl. Get your hands dirty!
- Slice each sheet of pastry in half. (Just do one at a time. Sometimes you need more, sometimes less)
- Line up the mince in the middle of the pastry and fold over the pastry. Make sure that the ends overlap! Try and smush them together so they won't come undone.
- Cut the rolls into mini rolls. These can be as big or little as you like. A sharp knife works better.
To Cook:
Place in oven for about 10-15 minutes on baking paper.
To Freeze:
Find a large enough container to hold all these little babies! I use the jumbo tupperwear freezer ones. Use the plastic film from the puff pastry to keep the rolls seperate. I'll post a pic to show you what I mean.
When it comes to cooking them, put them in a little longer. They taste great fresh from the freezer!
My little monkey LOVES these! And so does Dan. ^_^
Use whatever mince you want. I have had success with the following combinations:
Chicken and Pork
Beef and Chicken
Straight Beef
Most of all, enjoy!!!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Bento (#001)
Morning struggles...
My futile try at getting Danté down for his morning nap at the same time as Asuka, has failed. No shower, I did scoff down some cold english muffins. And now, I have now resorted to bouncing him on my knee, while trying to stay calm. A child who is pretty much only quiet while being held. Do you have any idea how hard it is? And Hark! I hear Asuka calling. 40 minutes of trying to settle this grizzler to bed, and he's still awake. Now I have to deal with Mr Grumpy and Miss Attention Peeeeeeeeeesse.
Well I should go and get her, no doubt there is a stinker awaiting me in that nappy of hers.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A New Day, A New Blog...
I will be aiming to share my thoughts, feelings, accomplishments, doubts, worries, recipes, hobbies, photos and videos.
The name sums up who I am, and what I am hoping to achieve...
I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.
In life, these 4 things are the most important things to me. And I plan on spending the rest of my life growing and learning to achieve my goals.