I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Go go go car!!!

Yes, her new words are... GoGoGoGo Caaaar!!! Oh and Bay-beeeeee! Such a darling, and being both well behaved and extremely frustrating! I think she's hit that 'terrible-two' phase already. Pushing a lot (i mean a lot) of boundaries. Ranging from climbing onto the coffee table and playing in the fish tank, to eating her crayons until they become face paint! But she's learning, slowly but surely.
As for the little man, his sleep patterns are all AWOL! I think he must be teething, as he is getting extremely hard to settle to sleep. Just needs a lot of help relaxing his body, and even after he settles he still whimpers a bit in his sleep. Poor dear! Panadol helps him sleep instantly, but I can't see myself giving him panadol for every nap! We just have to struggle through it. Just like everything else!

So as a summery:
  • Danté started commando crawling
  • Danté started sitting up
  • Asuka's new words - Baby, Go, Car, Cat (?? maybe it's just car?)
  • Asuka is very mischievous.. oh we already knew that ;)
I have been Bento'ing as well, just havn't been taking the photos. Trying to make 100! I'll get there. Jazz, I still have your stuff! I have to get it to you someday, maybe we can arrange a dinner here one night with Nash, Lester + Simone?? I don't know if you can make it all the way out here though. Live so far apart, sadface!

Oh also, keep an eye on this space for updates on the Engagement party. I think we are finally getting it together, just working out minor details before sending invites. Yayz! Finally! It will be a joint housewarming/engagement party, seeing as it has taken us almost 2 years to have one! Holy moly it has been a long time!!! I can't wait for the wedding!

xx Jadles

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