I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Keep rollin!

Well it has been quite an eventful month!
  • We purchased and moved into our very own home (yay!)
  • Danté rolled over front-back and back-front
  • Danté started to wriggle around and get up on all fours!
  • Danté started solids
  • Asuka's new words - Car, Dum ear (come here)
  • Dan and I have been sick with the flu (most likely swine flu)

Yeah that's about it in a nutshell! I can't begin to explain how exciting it was to see my little boy get up on all fours! He's only 4 months old! (5 months next week) But still, he is growing up faster than Asuka did. She is quite excited about it too, she is constantly trying to play with him. They get along really well, even if Asuka plays mummy and puts his binkie in when he is crying. It's cute but tends to make Lil' D even more upset. Oh and Lil' D has this horrible smelling poop! It seriously smells like dog poop. Gross, eww, disgusting!

Everything is going fairly well. We're slowly unpacking and getting things organised. I've had the student nanny around helping out and that has been amazing. She's great, and I wish she didn't have to go! Hopefully I've been a good teacher and we can have another student around. It's been good to have a helping hand, and I think my sanity is slowly returning. My patience certainly has!

Well that's all from me for now, Missy has finished her lunch and is now waiting for me to release her.


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