I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bento (#012 - #017)

Well I havn't updated in a while so just going to group them all together. There are more on my other camera but can't find the cord since the move. I hope you get some inspiration!!

Dans Lunch (#012):
Ham + Cheese Sandwiches, Wasabi + Ginger Sakata, Mixed Nuts (under the crackers), 1 Chicken Enchalada surrounded with Baby Spinach and Cherry Tomatos. And a yummy Chocolate Cupcake!!

Asuka's Lunch (#013):

Honeydew Melon, Grapes, Strawberries, Snow Peas, Cheese, Sakata's and Peanut Butter sandwiches.

Asuka, Tristan and Noah's Lunch (#014):
Mini Pizzas!! French stick slices toasted with tomato paste, herbs, ham and cheese. Pikelets, Strawberries, Apples, Grapes, Rockmelon and Honeydew Melon.
I believe almost all of this was consumed between the 3 of them! It was so much fun to make 3 Bento lunches!!

Asuka's Lunch (#015):
Sandwiches, Apple Stars, Snow Peas and Honeydew Melon. Rather boring day...

Asuka's Lunch (#016):
Oranges, Bunny Egg, Toast Soldiers and Cheese

Asuka's Lunch (#017):
Leftover Beef Goulash, Yoghurt and Bunny Sandwiches.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gone Commando!

That could be interperated as a bad term, but be rest assured I have only good intentions! Our little boy is commando crawling around . I don't understand what happened and when he decided it was ok to grow up! My 4 month old baby has become more mobile. He still struggles to sit up, so I'm a little surprised he is crawling before sitting. He is a very strong willed little boy. Even as I write he is inching closer and closer to his big sister with giggles and smiles. His big sister however is being naughty and eating her crayons. Thats the problem with wall washable crayons, they react well to water and result in a multi-coloured mouth. *sigh* Children... messy no matter what you do!

We're having a bit of trouble with the little ones sleep patterns, seems they both have agreed that sleeping is no longer cool during the day, and therefor fighting me tooth and nail for the right to stay up. I'm not giving up very easily kiddies, so watch out! That's one thing nobody needs to deal with, overtired and grumpy children. There is just no reasoning with a child that has no idea about cause and effect. Telling her she'll be tired and grumpy when daddy gets home just results in her running to the stairs to check out if daddy is home. Yes, no reasoning with toddlers... Oh and telling them that you can't stand on a toy car because it will go from underneath them doesn't work eaither. She can thank daddy for that new trick... She picks up things too quickly.

Oh well, the little grumpy on my lap has decided that he doesn't want to be here anymore, so I'm off to bounce him back to sleep. If he will let me.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Keep rollin!

Well it has been quite an eventful month!
  • We purchased and moved into our very own home (yay!)
  • Danté rolled over front-back and back-front
  • Danté started to wriggle around and get up on all fours!
  • Danté started solids
  • Asuka's new words - Car, Dum ear (come here)
  • Dan and I have been sick with the flu (most likely swine flu)

Yeah that's about it in a nutshell! I can't begin to explain how exciting it was to see my little boy get up on all fours! He's only 4 months old! (5 months next week) But still, he is growing up faster than Asuka did. She is quite excited about it too, she is constantly trying to play with him. They get along really well, even if Asuka plays mummy and puts his binkie in when he is crying. It's cute but tends to make Lil' D even more upset. Oh and Lil' D has this horrible smelling poop! It seriously smells like dog poop. Gross, eww, disgusting!

Everything is going fairly well. We're slowly unpacking and getting things organised. I've had the student nanny around helping out and that has been amazing. She's great, and I wish she didn't have to go! Hopefully I've been a good teacher and we can have another student around. It's been good to have a helping hand, and I think my sanity is slowly returning. My patience certainly has!

Well that's all from me for now, Missy has finished her lunch and is now waiting for me to release her.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Riceballs (Onigiri)

Well here are my first attempt at riceballs. Fillings were Tuna+Mayo
and Peanut Satay Chicken. The cheat with marinated chicken for sushi
or onigiri is to buy pre-made kebab sticks. They are already marinated
and chopped up. Also there is a small enough portion to satisfy!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Argh! Could it get any harder? We thought hiring removalists was a
pain in the ass... Well doing it yourself is worse! Although, nothing
has gone missing and nothing has broken (yet). Wheras last 2 moves
removalists have done both.
The house is nice, once you live in it you really notice all the small
things wrong with it. Like cracks in the wall, crap chipboard
cupboards, not enough light in the living area!! That's the one thing
I wanted dammit!!!

On the bright side we do own our own home. Even if it is a little less
than perfect!

Sent from my awesome iPhone.