I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New Me!

So today I start a new venture, one that i've never done before. I'm on a diet! *pause for effect*
I kinda feel like i'm cheating myself, because I've always said I don't believe in diets. To loose weight you need a lifestyle change, not just a fad diet that will drop the weight quickly, but also pile it back on again. I have grown up with my mum struggling with diets, all of them working, but also watching as it all goes back on once the diet is finished.
But, seeing as I already eat well and cannot exercise properly, this will have to do. I have a wedding in April and my own wedding in October, alongside battling with my poor self image and lack of energy. If anything, I hoped to gain better eating habits. Such as eating 3 times a day at least, instead of the 1 main meal and eating scraps off the children's plates.

So diet time, I am on Tony Ferguson. Thanks to Andrew for the kick up the butt and motivation to actually try out some sort of diet. Shakes and energy drinks sound just what I need to get the energy levels up and the fat coming off. Well, I sincerely hope so!

Day 1:
Chocolate shakes are gross with fibre added! I felt like shoving a tube down my throat and pumping it into my stomach. I also had a hard time finishing it as it was kinda too much for me! I was very full!
Had my not-too-ripe banana and 2 glasses of water for morning tea.
Watched my children eat vegemite sandwiches while I drooled... never drooled over sandwiches before. But now because I cannot have them, I suddenly want them. Isn't that strange? So because I was 'hungry' I nuked some frozen vege's up with some lemon and thyme, then proceeded to have a Cafe Latte shake. And now I feel like I could roll out the door! I actually am so full I think I need a nap! I have to eat again in a couple of hours =|
Afternoon tea will be an apple I think, then dinner will be along the lines of chicken enchilada's minus the enchilada for me. :( Boo! I like my tortias!

So, there you have it. Doing something about my weight and I am actually eating more than usual. Strange? Yes... yes it is...