I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rain, rain, rain...

Isn't it strange how rain brings about miserable attitudes and miserable children. The darkness of the sky combined with the drizzle of rain. For some reason rain is always linked to tears for me. I always feel like crying when it's raining. Who knows for what reason it is? There are many reasons in my life at the moment that would be worth a tear or two.
I shouldn't be feeling so down though, tomorrow is the start of Daniels very first ever holiday! We were going to Fiji for 4 nights, but that got canned. We were going away to Springbrook for 2 nights, but that got canned. Now our holiday plans consist of odd jobs around the house, with a trip to Currumbin if and when it stops raining. I guess as long as your not at work your on holiday, however, I am technically still going to be at work, considering my work is at home taking care of the family. Dan will get a rest though, that's what counts right? I'll just have to wait a bit longer for my holiday to come... whenever that may be... if it ever happens... Yes, the rain makes me feel dreary inside. It makes my heart sink, and my thoughts to be of sad and negative things.
Rain, rain, rain....

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, New Me!

So today I start a new venture, one that i've never done before. I'm on a diet! *pause for effect*
I kinda feel like i'm cheating myself, because I've always said I don't believe in diets. To loose weight you need a lifestyle change, not just a fad diet that will drop the weight quickly, but also pile it back on again. I have grown up with my mum struggling with diets, all of them working, but also watching as it all goes back on once the diet is finished.
But, seeing as I already eat well and cannot exercise properly, this will have to do. I have a wedding in April and my own wedding in October, alongside battling with my poor self image and lack of energy. If anything, I hoped to gain better eating habits. Such as eating 3 times a day at least, instead of the 1 main meal and eating scraps off the children's plates.

So diet time, I am on Tony Ferguson. Thanks to Andrew for the kick up the butt and motivation to actually try out some sort of diet. Shakes and energy drinks sound just what I need to get the energy levels up and the fat coming off. Well, I sincerely hope so!

Day 1:
Chocolate shakes are gross with fibre added! I felt like shoving a tube down my throat and pumping it into my stomach. I also had a hard time finishing it as it was kinda too much for me! I was very full!
Had my not-too-ripe banana and 2 glasses of water for morning tea.
Watched my children eat vegemite sandwiches while I drooled... never drooled over sandwiches before. But now because I cannot have them, I suddenly want them. Isn't that strange? So because I was 'hungry' I nuked some frozen vege's up with some lemon and thyme, then proceeded to have a Cafe Latte shake. And now I feel like I could roll out the door! I actually am so full I think I need a nap! I have to eat again in a couple of hours =|
Afternoon tea will be an apple I think, then dinner will be along the lines of chicken enchilada's minus the enchilada for me. :( Boo! I like my tortias!

So, there you have it. Doing something about my weight and I am actually eating more than usual. Strange? Yes... yes it is...