I hope to be a better friend to those around me.
I hope to be a fantastic lover to my loving partner.
I hope to become a wonderful and loving wife.
I hope to be the best role model and mother that I can be.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's been a while...

Well I haven't posted in a while, and maybe it's because I have forgotten (most likely) that I was supposed to keep posting. And also I didn't want to fill it with negativity as everything else in my life seems to be these days. I want things to be better, I want to be happy I really do! But there just seems to be so many changes, so many things go wrong that it gets really hard to see the bright side. How I miss the days when I was always able to see the sunny side and be bright and cheery. The good old days I guess.
Well what's getting me down? There was an 'incident' that happened last year when Asuka was quite young where people went off the rails over a comment I made on a forum. Yes, I can understand why people were concerned. But I never deserved the crap that followed. I have never felt so horrible in my whole life. And that sent me into a spiral of depression. It was only yesterday that I was able to realise, that that point in my life was where it all started. The self doubt, the loss of self confidence, the depression. Why speak about this now? Well I have recently found out that one of these "women" have been 'keeping an eye on me'. by Someone on my friends list has been passing along information (mainly status updates) to her from Facebook. Now is it just me or is that considered stalking? After the incident I was petrified of going to the shops, changed my phone number and hid inside my house. I didn't want anyone to identify me, I can't even gather the courage now to go to a damned playgroup.

I am, however, happy I found the source of the depression. So now hopefully I can start crawling my way out of it all. I already do feel better, thanks to the love and support of my fiancé.

And a message if this gets passed on:
I hope you are happy lady. You are a vulgar and venomous person, I hope you change your lifestyle before your son starts mimicking your behaviour. Stay away from me and my family. It is not your duty to 'check up' on me. I will go to the police against you and that horrible website you are affiliated with. Cyber-bullying, character defemation and stalking should not and will not be tollerated.

By the way I have evidence how inappropriate you really are and have copied all your posts and the foul language. I dont think this is appropriate for a catholic school teacher.